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Plasma-Surface Interaction Data Set 92

Reflection of D on Li(a) at 500 K

  1. B2: P. S. Krstic, S. Abe, E. Schiltz-Rouse, E. T. Ostrowski, B. E. Koel, "Energy, angle, and temperature dependencies of the sticking of D atoms on Li surfaces ", Journal of Applied Physics 131 (2022). [10.1063/5.0096816]

Reflection of D on Li(a) at 500 K

angle = 0.0 deg E /eV P unc
0.0250.0166 0.00403
0.10.0147 0.00379
0.30.0245 0.0049
1.00.0299 0.00555
3.00.0479 0.00809
5.00.0502 0.00837

angle = 85.0 deg E /eV P unc
0.050.0395 0.00733
0.10.0372 0.00603
0.30.0436 0.0121
1.00.0889 0.0181
3.00.156 0.0143
5.00.244 0.0182

Reflection of D on Li(a) at 500 K

E = 0.025 eV angle /deg P unc
0.00.0166 0.00403

E = 0.1 eV angle /deg P unc
0.00.0147 0.00379
85.00.0372 0.00603

E = 0.3 eV angle /deg P unc
0.00.0245 0.0049
85.00.0436 0.0121

E = 1.0 eV angle /deg P unc
0.00.0299 0.00555
85.00.0889 0.0181

E = 3.0 eV angle /deg P unc
0.00.0479 0.00809
85.00.156 0.0143

E = 5.0 eV angle /deg P unc
0.00.0502 0.00837
85.00.244 0.0182

E = 0.05 eV angle /deg P unc
85.00.0395 0.00733