{"process": "Retention", "process_types": [{"abbreviation": "MRT", "description": "Retention"}], "surface": "Li", "surface_phase": "a", "species": {"text": "D", "charge": 0}, "temperature": 300, "comment": "", "refs": [{"id": 1, "authors": "P. Krstic, E. Ostrowski, F. Dom\u00ednguez-Gutierrez, S. Abe, B. Koel", "title": "Sputtering and reflection processes from amorphous lithium surfaces by low-energy impacts of H and D atoms and D2 molecules", "journal": "Journal of Nuclear Materials", "volume": "568", "page_start": "153848", "page_end": "", "article_number": "153848", "year": 2022, "note": "", "doi": "10.1016/j.jnucmat.2022.153848", "bibcode": "2022JNuM..56853848K", "url": "https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2022.153848"}, {"id": 2, "authors": "P. S. Krstic, S. Abe, E. Schiltz-Rouse, E. T. Ostrowski, B. E. Koel", "title": "Energy, angle, and temperature dependencies of the sticking of D atoms on Li surfaces", "journal": "Journal of Applied Physics", "volume": "131", "page_start": "", "page_end": "", "article_number": "", "year": 2022, "note": "", "doi": "10.1063/5.0096816", "bibcode": "2022JAP...131x3304K", "url": "https://dx.doi.org/10.1063/5.0096816"}]} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Retention of D on Li(a) at 300 K angle = 0.0 deg E /eV P unc 0.025 0.994 0.0315 0.1 0.987 0.0314 0.3 0.983 0.0314 1.0 0.97 0.0311 3.0 0.97 0.0312 5.0 0.931 0.0305 10.0 0.892 0.0299 25.0 0.866 0.0294 50.0 0.871 0.0295 75.0 0.859 0.0293 100.0 0.871 0.0295 ----- angle = 45.0 deg E /eV P unc 5.0 0.874 0.0209 10.0 0.806 0.0201 25.0 0.755 0.0194 50.0 0.728 0.0191 100.0 0.735 0.0192 ----- angle = 85.0 deg E /eV P unc 0.05 0.993 0.0312 0.1 0.991 0.0311 0.3 0.972 0.0308 1.0 0.957 0.0306 3.0 0.867 0.0291 5.0 0.776 0.0284 ----- Retention of D on Li(a) at 300 K E = 0.025 eV angle /deg P unc 0.0 0.994 0.0315 ----- E = 0.1 eV angle /deg P unc 0.0 0.987 0.0314 85.0 0.991 0.0311 ----- E = 0.3 eV angle /deg P unc 0.0 0.983 0.0314 85.0 0.972 0.0308 ----- E = 1.0 eV angle /deg P unc 0.0 0.97 0.0311 85.0 0.957 0.0306 ----- E = 3.0 eV angle /deg P unc 0.0 0.97 0.0312 85.0 0.867 0.0291 ----- E = 5.0 eV angle /deg P unc 0.0 0.931 0.0305 45.0 0.874 0.0209 85.0 0.776 0.0284 ----- E = 10.0 eV angle /deg P unc 0.0 0.892 0.0299 45.0 0.806 0.0201 ----- E = 25.0 eV angle /deg P unc 0.0 0.866 0.0294 45.0 0.755 0.0194 ----- E = 50.0 eV angle /deg P unc 0.0 0.871 0.0295 45.0 0.728 0.0191 ----- E = 75.0 eV angle /deg P unc 0.0 0.859 0.0293 ----- E = 100.0 eV angle /deg P unc 0.0 0.871 0.0295 45.0 0.735 0.0192 ----- E = 0.05 eV angle /deg P unc 85.0 0.993 0.0312 -----