{"process": "Retention", "process_types": [{"abbreviation": "MRT", "description": "Retention"}], "surface": "Li", "surface_phase": "sc", "species": {"text": "D", "charge": 0}, "temperature": 300, "comment": "", "refs": [{"id": 2, "authors": "P. S. Krstic, S. Abe, E. Schiltz-Rouse, E. T. Ostrowski, B. E. Koel", "title": "Energy, angle, and temperature dependencies of the sticking of D atoms on Li surfaces", "journal": "Journal of Applied Physics", "volume": "131", "page_start": "", "page_end": "", "article_number": "", "year": 2022, "note": "", "doi": "10.1063/5.0096816", "bibcode": "2022JAP...131x3304K", "url": "https://dx.doi.org/10.1063/5.0096816"}]} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Retention of D on Li(sc) at 300 K angle = 0.0 deg E /eV P unc 0.025 0.996 0.0312 0.1 0.99 0.0311 0.3 0.982 0.031 1.0 0.964 0.0307 3.0 0.964 0.0307 5.0 0.944 0.0306 ----- angle = 85.0 deg E /eV P unc 0.05 0.994 0.0339 0.1 0.995 0.0339 0.3 0.978 0.0309 1.0 0.941 0.0303 3.0 0.75 0.0271 5.0 0.6 0.0262 ----- Retention of D on Li(sc) at 300 K E = 0.025 eV angle /deg P unc 0.0 0.996 0.0312 ----- E = 0.1 eV angle /deg P unc 0.0 0.99 0.0311 85.0 0.995 0.0339 ----- E = 0.3 eV angle /deg P unc 0.0 0.982 0.031 85.0 0.978 0.0309 ----- E = 1.0 eV angle /deg P unc 0.0 0.964 0.0307 85.0 0.941 0.0303 ----- E = 3.0 eV angle /deg P unc 0.0 0.964 0.0307 85.0 0.75 0.0271 ----- E = 5.0 eV angle /deg P unc 0.0 0.944 0.0306 85.0 0.6 0.0262 ----- E = 0.05 eV angle /deg P unc 85.0 0.994 0.0339 -----