{"process": "Sputtering", "process_types": [{"abbreviation": "MPS", "description": "Physical Sputtering"}, {"abbreviation": "MSP", "description": "Sputtering"}], "surface": "W", "surface_phase": "pc", "species": {"text": "(4He)+", "charge": 1}, "temperature": 300, "comment": "", "refs": [{"id": 153, "authors": "W. Eckstein, C. Garcia-Rosales, J. Roth, W. Ottenberger", "title": "Sputtering Data", "journal": "IPP Report", "volume": "9/82", "page_start": "", "page_end": "", "article_number": "", "year": 1993, "note": "Garching: Max-Planck-Institut f\u00fcr Plasmaphysik", "doi": "", "bibcode": "", "url": "https://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-001M-0000-0027-6326-2"}, {"id": 160, "authors": "J. Roth, J. Bohdansky, W. Ottenberger", "title": "Data on Low Energy Light Ion Sputtering", "journal": "IPP Report", "volume": "9/26", "page_start": "", "page_end": "", "article_number": "", "year": 1979, "note": "Garching: Max-Planck-Institut f\u00fcr Plasmaphysik", "doi": "", "bibcode": "", "url": ""}, {"id": 161, "authors": "J. Roth, J. Bohdansky, A. P. Martinelli", "title": "Low energy light ion sputtering of metals and carbides", "journal": "Radiation Effects", "volume": "48", "page_start": "213", "page_end": "219", "article_number": "", "year": 1980, "note": "", "doi": "10.1080/00337578008209256", "bibcode": "1980RadEf..48..213R", "url": "https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00337578008209256"}]} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sputtering of (4He)+ on W(pc) at 300 K angle = 0.0 deg E /eV P 145.0 0.000437 243.0 0.003741 294.0 0.004014 481.0 0.008944 489.0 0.01245 940.0 0.02241 1940.0 0.02899 3840.0 0.03333 7590.0 0.04311 19300.0 0.03819 -----