{"process": "Sputtering", "process_types": [{"abbreviation": "MPS", "description": "Physical Sputtering"}, {"abbreviation": "MSP", "description": "Sputtering"}], "surface": "Pb", "surface_phase": "pc", "species": {"text": "Ar+", "charge": 1}, "temperature": 300, "comment": "Eckstein equation (2) is incorrect; use formula given on p.18 of APID-7B", "refs": [{"id": 144, "authors": "W. Eckstein", "title": "Sputtering Yields. In: Sputtering by Particle Bombardment", "journal": "Topics in Applied Physics", "volume": "110", "page_start": "", "page_end": "", "article_number": "", "year": 2007, "note": "Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg", "doi": "https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-44502-9_3", "bibcode": "", "url": ""}]} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sputtering of Ar+ on Pb(pc) at 300 K {"fit_function": "SPTEEX", "coeffs": {"lambda": 0.0462, "q": 15.7, "mu": 1.927, "epsilonL": 3.642e-06, "Eth": 8.43}, "E_min": 8.43, "E_max": 100000} angle = 0.0 deg E /eV P 8.43 0.0 10.21 0.000386 12.36 0.002132 14.97 0.006703 18.13 0.0165 21.96 0.03485 26.59 0.06523 32.2 0.1098 38.99 0.1676 47.22 0.2353 57.19 0.3087 69.25 0.3848 83.86 0.4624 101.6 0.542 123.0 0.6246 148.9 0.7114 180.4 0.8037 218.4 0.9026 264.5 1.009 320.3 1.124 387.9 1.247 469.8 1.38 568.9 1.523 689.0 1.675 834.3 1.838 1010.0 2.011 1224.0 2.194 1482.0 2.387 1794.0 2.588 2173.0 2.798 2632.0 3.016 3187.0 3.24 3859.0 3.469 4674.0 3.702 5660.0 3.936 6854.0 4.172 8300.0 4.405 10050.0 4.634 12170.0 4.858 14740.0 5.072 17850.0 5.275 21620.0 5.464 26180.0 5.636 31700.0 5.788 38390.0 5.916 46500.0 6.018 56310.0 6.091 68190.0 6.132 82580.0 6.138 -----