{"process": "Sputtering", "process_types": [{"abbreviation": "MPS", "description": "Physical Sputtering"}, {"abbreviation": "MSP", "description": "Sputtering"}], "surface": "Ta", "surface_phase": "pc", "species": {"text": "Ar+", "charge": 1}, "temperature": 300, "comment": "Eckstein equation (2) is incorrect; use formula given on p.18 of APID-7B", "refs": [{"id": 144, "authors": "W. Eckstein", "title": "Sputtering Yields. In: Sputtering by Particle Bombardment", "journal": "Topics in Applied Physics", "volume": "110", "page_start": "", "page_end": "", "article_number": "", "year": 2007, "note": "Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg", "doi": "https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-44502-9_3", "bibcode": "", "url": ""}]} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sputtering of Ar+ on Ta(pc) at 300 K {"fit_function": "SPTEEX", "coeffs": {"lambda": 0.1468, "q": 6.266, "mu": 2.367, "epsilonL": 4.112e-06, "Eth": 28.62}, "E_min": 28.62, "E_max": 100000} angle = 0.0 deg E /eV P 28.62 0.0 33.8 6.389e-05 39.93 0.0004765 47.16 0.001799 55.7 0.005116 65.8 0.01233 77.72 0.02634 91.8 0.05061 108.4 0.08774 128.1 0.1373 151.3 0.1954 178.7 0.2564 211.1 0.3162 249.3 0.3733 294.5 0.4278 347.8 0.4809 410.8 0.5337 485.3 0.5873 573.2 0.6424 677.0 0.6995 799.7 0.7591 944.5 0.8212 1116.0 0.886 1318.0 0.9535 1557.0 1.024 1839.0 1.096 2172.0 1.171 2565.0 1.248 3030.0 1.326 3579.0 1.406 4227.0 1.487 4993.0 1.569 5898.0 1.651 6966.0 1.732 8228.0 1.812 9719.0 1.891 11480.0 1.967 13560.0 2.041 16020.0 2.111 18920.0 2.176 22340.0 2.237 26390.0 2.291 31170.0 2.339 36820.0 2.379 43490.0 2.411 51370.0 2.434 60680.0 2.448 71680.0 2.45 84660.0 2.442 -----