{"process": "Sputtering", "process_types": [{"abbreviation": "MPS", "description": "Physical Sputtering"}, {"abbreviation": "MSP", "description": "Sputtering"}], "surface": "Mo", "surface_phase": "pc", "species": {"text": "Ar+", "charge": 1}, "temperature": 300, "comment": "Eckstein equation (2) is incorrect; use formula given on p.18 of APID-7B", "refs": [{"id": 144, "authors": "W. Eckstein", "title": "Sputtering Yields. In: Sputtering by Particle Bombardment", "journal": "Topics in Applied Physics", "volume": "110", "page_start": "", "page_end": "", "article_number": "", "year": 2007, "note": "Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg", "doi": "https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-44502-9_3", "bibcode": "", "url": ""}]} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sputtering of Ar+ on Mo(pc) at 300 K {"fit_function": "SPTEEX", "coeffs": {"lambda": 0.1339, "q": 6.361, "mu": 1.956, "epsilonL": 6.98e-06, "Eth": 28.21}, "E_min": 28.21, "E_max": 100000} angle = 0.0 deg E /eV P 28.21 0.0 33.34 0.0002407 39.39 0.001301 46.54 0.003998 54.98 0.009696 64.96 0.02048 76.76 0.03916 90.69 0.06887 107.2 0.112 126.6 0.1689 149.6 0.2372 176.7 0.3123 208.8 0.3899 246.7 0.4666 291.5 0.5411 344.4 0.6134 406.9 0.6842 480.8 0.7543 568.0 0.8246 671.2 0.8958 793.0 0.9683 936.9 1.042 1107.0 1.118 1308.0 1.196 1545.0 1.275 1826.0 1.356 2157.0 1.438 2549.0 1.521 3011.0 1.604 3558.0 1.687 4204.0 1.77 4967.0 1.851 5869.0 1.931 6934.0 2.008 8192.0 2.082 9679.0 2.153 11440.0 2.219 13510.0 2.279 15960.0 2.334 18860.0 2.381 22290.0 2.421 26330.0 2.452 31110.0 2.474 36760.0 2.486 43430.0 2.487 51310.0 2.476 60630.0 2.454 71630.0 2.42 84640.0 2.375 -----