{"process": "Sputtering", "process_types": [{"abbreviation": "MPS", "description": "Physical Sputtering"}, {"abbreviation": "MSP", "description": "Sputtering"}], "surface": "Nb", "surface_phase": "pc", "species": {"text": "Kr+", "charge": 1}, "temperature": 300, "comment": "Eckstein equation (2) is incorrect; use formula given on p.18 of APID-7B", "refs": [{"id": 144, "authors": "W. Eckstein", "title": "Sputtering Yields. In: Sputtering by Particle Bombardment", "journal": "Topics in Applied Physics", "volume": "110", "page_start": "", "page_end": "", "article_number": "", "year": 2007, "note": "Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg", "doi": "https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-44502-9_3", "bibcode": "", "url": ""}]} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sputtering of Kr+ on Nb(pc) at 300 K {"fit_function": "SPTEEX", "coeffs": {"lambda": 0.1964, "q": 9.559, "mu": 1.992, "epsilonL": 2.428e-06, "Eth": 42.36}, "E_min": 42.36, "E_max": 100000} angle = 0.0 deg E /eV P 42.36 2.03e-34 49.64 0.0001078 58.16 0.0005903 68.15 0.001825 79.86 0.00446 93.57 0.00955 109.6 0.01871 128.5 0.03421 150.5 0.05888 176.4 0.09562 206.7 0.1464 242.2 0.2114 283.8 0.2882 332.5 0.3729 389.7 0.4612 456.6 0.55 535.0 0.6377 626.9 0.7241 734.6 0.8097 860.8 0.8953 1009.0 0.9818 1182.0 1.07 1385.0 1.16 1623.0 1.254 1901.0 1.35 2228.0 1.45 2611.0 1.552 3059.0 1.658 3584.0 1.767 4200.0 1.879 4921.0 1.992 5767.0 2.108 6757.0 2.226 7918.0 2.344 9278.0 2.463 10870.0 2.581 12740.0 2.699 14930.0 2.814 17490.0 2.927 20490.0 3.037 24010.0 3.142 28140.0 3.242 32970.0 3.336 38630.0 3.423 45270.0 3.501 53050.0 3.57 62160.0 3.629 72830.0 3.676 85340.0 3.711 -----