{"process": "Reflection", "process_types": [{"abbreviation": "MRF", "description": "Reflection"}, {"abbreviation": "MRH", "description": "Reflection of Heavy Particles from Surfaces"}], "surface": "LiD", "surface_phase": "a", "species": {"text": "D", "charge": 0}, "temperature": 300, "comment": "", "refs": [{"id": 3, "authors": "P. Krstic, E. Ostrowski, S. Dwivedi, A. Maan, S. Abe, A. C. Van Duin, B. Koel", "title": "Processes at lithium-hydride/deuteride surfaces upon low energy impact of H/D", "journal": "Frontiers in Physics", "volume": "11", "page_start": "", "page_end": "", "article_number": "", "year": 2023, "note": "", "doi": "10.3389/fphy.2023.1105194", "bibcode": "2023FrP....1105194K", "url": "https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fphy.2023.1105194"}]} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reflection of D on LiD(a) at 300 K angle = 0.0 deg E /eV P unc 1.0 0.0219 0.0047 5.0 0.0747 0.0087 10.0 0.1982 0.014 25.0 0.0787 0.0088 50.0 0.0608 0.0078 75.0 0.0508 0.0071 100.0 0.0528 0.0072 ----- angle = 45.0 deg E /eV P unc 1.0 0.0329 0.0057 5.0 0.1494 0.0122 10.0 0.2092 0.0144 25.0 0.2241 0.0149 50.0 0.1992 0.0141 75.0 0.1494 0.0122 100.0 0.1673 0.013 ----- angle = 85.0 deg E /eV P unc 1.0 0.0597 0.0124 5.0 0.2117 0.0232 10.0 0.4391 0.0334 25.0 0.703 0.0422 50.0 0.7474 0.0441 75.0 0.7487 0.0434 100.0 0.7261 0.0433 ----- Reflection of D on LiD(a) at 300 K E = 1.0 eV angle /deg P unc 0.0 0.0219 0.0047 45.0 0.0329 0.0057 85.0 0.0597 0.0124 ----- E = 5.0 eV angle /deg P unc 0.0 0.0747 0.0087 45.0 0.1494 0.0122 85.0 0.2117 0.0232 ----- E = 10.0 eV angle /deg P unc 0.0 0.1982 0.014 45.0 0.2092 0.0144 85.0 0.4391 0.0334 ----- E = 25.0 eV angle /deg P unc 0.0 0.0787 0.0088 45.0 0.2241 0.0149 85.0 0.703 0.0422 ----- E = 50.0 eV angle /deg P unc 0.0 0.0608 0.0078 45.0 0.1992 0.0141 85.0 0.7474 0.0441 ----- E = 75.0 eV angle /deg P unc 0.0 0.0508 0.0071 45.0 0.1494 0.0122 85.0 0.7487 0.0434 ----- E = 100.0 eV angle /deg P unc 0.0 0.0528 0.0072 45.0 0.1673 0.013 85.0 0.7261 0.0433 -----