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Plasma-Material Interaction Data Set 99
Permeation of H in Steel
[In the above formula, the Boltzmann constant is expressed in .]
- Material: Steel
- Alloy: SS316L
- Method: Experiment
- Data scaled for isotope mass? No
- P0 = 2.598e-07 mol m-1 s-1 Pa-1/2
- Ep = 0.7 eV
- T = 293 – 1253 K
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- B74: A. Brass, J. Chêne, "Hydrogen uptake in 316L stainless steel: Consequences on the tensile properties
", Corrosion Science 48, 3222-3242 (2006). [10.1016/j.corsci.2005.11.004]
The authors cite CEA document: P. Tison, Influence de l’hydroge`ne sur le comportement des me´taux, in: CEA Service de documentation, Saclay, France (Ed.), CEA-R-5240 (1), ISSN 0429-3460, 1984, pp.1–303. Data provided by M. Lavrentiev (UKAEA, 2024) with permission from STEP.