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Plasma-Material Interaction Data Set 65
Solubility of T in CuCrZr
[In the above formula, the Boltzmann constant is expressed in .]
- Material: CuCrZr
- Material composition: 0.65 wt% Cr, 0.08 wt% Zr
- Method: Experiment
- Data scaled for isotope mass? Yes
- Ks0 = 0.84 mol m-3 Pa-1/2
- Es = 0.4 eV
- T = 553 – 773 K
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- B23: E. Serra, A. Perujo, "Hydrogen and deuterium transport and inventory parameters in a Cu–0.65Cr–0.08Zr alloy for fusion reactor applications", Journal of Nuclear Materials 258-263, 1028-1032 (1998). [10.1016/s0022-3115(98)00276-1]
Scaled for T from H and D by "quantum mechanical extrapolation".