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Plasma-Material Interaction Data Set 38

Diffusivity of T in Cu

$$ D = D_0 \exp\left(-\frac{E_\mathrm{d}}{k_\mathrm{B}T}\right) $$

[In the above formula, the Boltzmann constant is expressed in \(\mathrm{eV\,K^{-1}}\).]


Value of diffusion coefficient scaled from D to T. "Reference" values given in Table 1 of Anderl et al. and calculated using the method of Baskes (1980) and the material property data from Langley et al. (p.28).

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  1. B41: R. Langley, J. Bohdansky, W. Eckstein, P. Mioduszewski, J. Roth, E. Taglauer, E. Thomas, H. Verbeek, K. Wilson, "Data Compendium for Plasma-Surface Interactions", Nuclear Fusion 24, S9-S117 (1984). [10.1088/0029-5515/24/s1/001]
  2. B43: M. Baskes, "A calculation of the surface recombination rate constant for hydrogen isotopes on metals ", Journal of Nuclear Materials 92, 318-324 (1980). [10.1016/0022-3115(80)90117-8]