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Plasma-Material Interaction Data Set 224

Diffusivity of D in Cu

$$ D = D_0 \exp\left(-\frac{E_\mathrm{d}}{k_\mathrm{B}T}\right) $$

[In the above formula, the Boltzmann constant is expressed in \(\mathrm{eV\,K^{-1}}\).]


Diffusion coefficient measured by outgassing spherical sample initially saturated by hydrogen. The pressure is thus very low. Data provided by M. Lavrentiev (UKAEA, 2024) with permission from STEP.

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  1. B22: L. Katz, M. Guinan, R. J. Borg, "Diffusion of H2, D2, and T2 in Single-Crystal Ni and Cu", Physical Review B 4, 330-341 (1971). [10.1103/physrevb.4.330]