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Recombination of Deuterium on SS316

Parameters for recombination of deuterium on Type 316 austenitic stainless steel.

Material SurfaceSS316
Recombination temperature dependence formula$$K_r = K_{r0}\exp\left(-\frac{E_\mathrm{r}}{k_\mathrm{B}T}\right)$$

4 / 4 records shown.

pk T /K Kr0 /m4 s-1 Er /eV Note
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R80373 – 8735.4e-270.16Determination of deuterium surface recombination rates on stainless steel, Journal of Nuclear Materials Volumes 93–94, Part 2, October 1980, Pages 861-865
R81373 – 8738.4e-260.14cited inDetermination of deuterium surface recombination rates on stainless steel, Journal of Nuclear Materials Volumes 93–94, Part 2, October 1980, Pages 861-865
R82623 – 8733.2e-270.58Recycling of hydrogen from stainless steel surfaces under ITER/NET conditions, Journal of Nuclear Materials Volumes 179–181, Part 1, March–April 1991, Pages 316-318