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ExoMol Darby-Lewis BeH Line Lists

Ab initio line lists for BeH, BeD and BeT from the ExoMol project.

Image files9Be-1H__Darby-Lewis__spectrum.png

3 / 3 records shown.

pk Isotopologue ν /cm-1 desc url
R6112(9Be)(1H)0 – 40000

Ab-initio line list for 9BeH in its X and A electronic states calculated by the ExoMol project using the Duo program.

R6113(9Be)(2H)0 – 40000

Ab-initio line list for 9BeD in its X and A electronic states calculated by the ExoMol project using the Duo program.

R6114(9Be)(3H)0 – 40000

Ab-initio line list for 9BeT in its X and A electronic states calculated by the ExoMol project using the Duo program.
