DataSet D124151

\[\mathrm{e}^- + \mathrm{Be}\mathrm{N}^{+} \; X{}^{2}\Pi \rightarrow \mathrm{Be}^{+} \; {}^{2}\mathrm{S} + \mathrm{N} \; {}^{2}\mathrm{D} + \mathrm{e}^-\]

Process EDS: Dissociation
Data type cross section | uploaded on 2024-11-15
Comment Theoretical study of a new molecular ion species BeN+: molecular states and cross sections for electronic excitation and dissociation

MethodRM: R-matrix
  1. E /eV
  2. sigma /cm2
Threshold3.33 eV
  • B231: K. Chakrabarti, P. Neogi, G. Nandi, "Theoretical study of a new molecular ion species BeN+: molecular states and cross sections for electronic excitation and dissociation ", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26, 21659-21667 (2024). [10.1039/d4cp01329h]