#authors="D. Wutte, R.K. Janev, F. Aumayr, M. Schneider, J. Schweinzer, J.J. Smith and H.P. Winter" #affiliation="Institut für Allgemeine Physik, Technische Universität Wien, Wieder Hauptstrasse 8-10, A-1040 Wien, Austria" #email=”fusion-data@iaea.org” comment="Analtyic fits to the experimental cross sections" method="experimental" data_type="cross section" doi=["10.1063/1.555809"] #frame="target" threshold="5.39" uncertainty="10%" columns=["E, eV", "sigma, cm2"] reaction="e- + Li 2s -> Li+ + e- + e-" process_types=["EIN"] fit={"coeffs":{ "A1": 0.085, "A2": -0.004, "A3": 0.757, "A4": -0.178, "I": 5.39 }, func: Lennon_Li_e_inpact_ion_2s, #"Elo": 10, #"Ehi": 100, #"data_type": collision strength, #"comment": "xxxxx", "fit_precision": 5.0, #"source_dois": "10.1063/1.555809" } data_from_fit=true # Fitted cross sections E sigma 5.39E+00 0.00E+00 5.39E+00 2.76E-19 5.40E+00 5.57E-19 5.40E+00 8.42E-19 5.41E+00 1.13E-18 5.41E+00 1.42E-18 5.42E+00 1.72E-18 5.42E+00 2.02E-18