{"qid": "D19808", "reaction": "H+ + H2 \u2192 H- + H+ + H+", "process_types": {"HCX": "Charge Transfer"}, "data_type": "cross section", "refs": {"B128": {"url": "https://amdis.iaea.org/media/db/ORNL/ORNL-Red_Book_-_1.pdf"}}, "json_comment": {"comment": "Data entry from page A-30 of the ORNL Redbook on the atomic and molecular collisional data for fusion. "}, "json_data": {"method": "semi-empirical", "columns": [{"name": "E", "units": "eV.u-1"}, {"name": "sigma", "units": "cm2"}], "unc_perc": 50, "fit": {"coeffs": {"pcf(1)": -95.8165, "pcf(2)": -7.17049, "pcf(3)": -7.48288, "pcf(4)": -1.93034, "pcf(5)": 0.761153, "pcf(6)": 0.556689, "pcf(7)": -0.0542859, "pcf(8)": -0.270184, "pcf(9)": -0.0147, "pcf(10)": 200.0, "pcf(11)": 1000000.0, "kncf": 11}, "func": "CHEB", "Elo": 200.0, "Ehi": 1000000.0}, "data_from_fit": true}} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.000e+02 1.182e-20 2.380e+02 1.145e-20 2.831e+02 1.29e-20 3.369e+02 1.599e-20 4.009e+02 2.089e-20 4.770e+02 2.792e-20 5.675e+02 3.747e-20 6.752e+02 4.994e-20 8.034e+02 6.579e-20 9.559e+02 8.564e-20 1.137e+03 1.105e-19 1.353e+03 1.42e-19 1.610e+03 1.827e-19 1.916e+03 2.366e-19 2.280e+03 3.099e-19 2.712e+03 4.116e-19 3.227e+03 5.55e-19 3.840e+03 7.587e-19 4.569e+03 1.048e-18 5.437e+03 1.454e-18 6.469e+03 2.012e-18 7.697e+03 2.747e-18 9.158e+03 3.66e-18 1.090e+04 4.698e-18 1.296e+04 5.731e-18 1.543e+04 6.553e-18 1.835e+04 6.925e-18 2.184e+04 6.677e-18 2.599e+04 5.804e-18 3.092e+04 4.502e-18 3.679e+04 3.092e-18 4.377e+04 1.87e-18 5.208e+04 9.933e-19 6.197e+04 4.64e-19 7.373e+04 1.913e-19 8.773e+04 7.018e-20 1.044e+05 2.315e-20 1.242e+05 6.959e-21 1.478e+05 1.937e-21 1.758e+05 5.083e-22 2.092e+05 1.28e-22 2.489e+05 3.15e-23 2.962e+05 7.69e-24 3.524e+05 1.883e-24 4.193e+05 4.652e-25 4.989e+05 1.154e-25 5.937e+05 2.833e-26 7.064e+05 6.67e-27 8.404e+05 1.433e-27 1.000e+06 2.609e-28