{"qid": "D19801", "reaction": "H+ + H2 \u2192 H + H2+", "process_types": {"HCX": "Charge Transfer"}, "data_type": "cross section", "refs": {"B128": {"url": "https://amdis.iaea.org/media/db/ORNL/ORNL-Red_Book_-_1.pdf"}}, "json_comment": {"comment": "Data entry from page A-28 of the ORNL Redbook on the atomic and molecular collisional data for fusion. "}, "json_data": {"method": "semi-empirical", "columns": [{"name": "E", "units": "eV.u-1"}, {"name": "sigma", "units": "cm2"}], "unc_perc": 25, "fit": {"coeffs": {"pcf(1)": -82.5164, "pcf(2)": -6.70755, "pcf(3)": -6.10977, "pcf(4)": -2.6281, "pcf(5)": 0.709759, "pcf(6)": 0.639033, "pcf(7)": 0.10298, "pcf(8)": 0.26124, "pcf(9)": -0.263817, "pcf(10)": 2.6, "pcf(11)": 4000000.0, "kncf": 11}, "func": "CHEB", "Elo": 2.6, "Ehi": 4000000.0}, "data_from_fit": true}} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.600e+00 2.139e-17 3.477e+00 3.957e-17 4.651e+00 4.18e-17 6.220e+00 3.282e-17 8.318e+00 2.302e-17 1.113e+01 1.629e-17 1.488e+01 1.25e-17 1.990e+01 1.079e-17 2.661e+01 1.06e-17 3.559e+01 1.176e-17 4.760e+01 1.448e-17 6.367e+01 1.934e-17 8.515e+01 2.73e-17 1.139e+02 3.976e-17 1.523e+02 5.849e-17 2.037e+02 8.543e-17 2.724e+02 1.223e-16 3.643e+02 1.702e-16 4.873e+02 2.293e-16 6.517e+02 2.985e-16 8.716e+02 3.763e-16 1.166e+03 4.605e-16 1.559e+03 5.486e-16 2.085e+03 6.38e-16 2.789e+03 7.249e-16 3.730e+03 8.041e-16 4.988e+03 8.676e-16 6.671e+03 9.047e-16 8.922e+03 9.034e-16 1.193e+04 8.538e-16 1.596e+04 7.53e-16 2.134e+04 6.102e-16 2.854e+04 4.473e-16 3.818e+04 2.919e-16 5.106e+04 1.674e-16 6.828e+04 8.337e-17 9.132e+04 3.583e-17 1.221e+05 1.327e-17 1.634e+05 4.254e-18 2.185e+05 1.195e-18 2.922e+05 2.992e-19 3.908e+05 6.862e-20 5.226e+05 1.487e-20 6.990e+05 3.156e-21 9.348e+05 6.817e-22 1.250e+06 1.554e-22 1.672e+06 3.847e-23 2.236e+06 1.052e-23 2.991e+06 3.162e-24 4.000e+06 1.008e-24