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# Datasets Reactant Species Data Types Methods Processes
314 e-, C(1-5)+, O(1-7)+ rate coefficient, cross section semi-empirical EEX
B3: Y. Itikawa, S. Hara, T. Kato, S. Nakazaki, M. Pindzola, D. Crandall, "Electron-Impact Cross Sections and Rate Coefficients for Excitations of Carbon and Oxygen Ions ", Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 33, 149-193 (1985). [10.1016/0092-640x(85)90025-7]
203 e-, C(0-6)+, O(0-8)+, H, He, H2 rate coefficient, cross section semi-empirical EIN, EEX, HCX, HIN
B19: R. A. Phaneuf, R. K. Janev, M. S. Pindzola, "Collisions of carbon and oxygen ions with electrons, H, H2 and He", Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report ORNL-6090, Atomic Data for Fusion 5 (1987). []
390 e-, C(0-5)+, O(0-7)+, P(0-14)+, S(0-15)+, Cl(0-16)+, Ar(0-17)+, K(0-18)+, Ca(0-19)+, Sc(0-20)+, Ti(0-21)+, V(0-14)+, Cr(0-22)+, Mn(0-21)+, Fe(0-25)+, Co(0-17)+, Ni(0-25)+, H, Li(0-2)+, He(0-1)+, Mg(0-11)+, Be(0-3)+, Ne(0-9)+, Si(0-13)+, B(0-4)+, N(0-6)+, F(0-8)+, Na(0-10)+, Al(0-12)+ cross section semi-empirical EIN
B4: M. A. Lennon, K. L. Bell, H. B. Gilbody, J. G. Hughes, A. E. Kingston, M. J. Murray, and F. J. Smith, "Recommended data on the electron impact ionization of atoms and ions: Fluorine to Nickel", Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 17, 1285-1363 (1988). []
56 e-, Ca18+, Ti20+, O6+, Fe24+, Ni26+, Li+, He, C4+, Mg10+, Se32+, Mo40+ rate coefficient semi-empirical EEX
B9: T. Kato, S. Nakazaki, "Recommended Data for Excitation Rate Coefficients of Helium Atoms and Helium-like Ions by Electron Impact ", Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 42, 313-338 (1989). [10.1016/0092-640x(89)90010-7]
87 e-, H(0-1)+, He2+, C6+, O8+, Be4+, B5+ cross section semi-empirical EIN, EEX, HEX, HIN
B7: R. K. Janev, J. J. Smith, "Cross sections for collision processes of hydrogen atoms with electrons, protons, and multiply charged ions", IAEA- Atomic and Plasma–Material Interaction Data for Fusion, Vienna 4 (1993). []
117 e-, C(0-1)+, H(0-1)+, Be(0-1)+ cross section theory EEL, EEX, EIN, HCX, HES, HMT, HHT, HEX
B12: C. H Liu, J. G Wang, R. K Janev, "Elastic and related transport cross sections for singly charged ion-atom scattering involving H, Be and C atoms and their ions ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 43, 144006 (2010). [10.1088/0953-4075/43/14/144006]
44 e-, H+, Li cross section semi-empirical EEX, EIN, HCX
B8: R. K. Janev, J. J. Smith, F. Aumayr, D. Wutte, M. Schneider, H. P. Winter, J. Schweizer, "Atomic collision database for Li beam interaction with fusion plasmas", IAEA, Vienna 267 (1993). []
500 e-, Ar(0-17)+, Fe(0-25)+, Ne(0-9)+, Si(0-13)+, Ti(0-21)+, hν cross section theory EIN, PIN
B10: R. E. H. Clark, J. Abdallah Jr., "[missing title]", IAEA- Atomic and Plasma–Material Interaction Data for Fusion, Vienna 11 (2003). []
8,449 e-, Cl(6-7)+, Cl(14-17)+, Ar(7-8)+, Ar(15-18)+, Ti(3-4)+, Ti(11-12)+, Ti(19-22)+, Cr(5-6)+, Cr(13-14)+, Cr(21-24)+, Fe(7-8)+, Fe(15-16)+, Fe(23-26)+, Ni(9-10)+, Ni(17-18)+, Ni(25-28)+, Xe(7-8)+, Xe(17-18)+, Xe(25-26)+, Xe(35-36)+, Xe(43-44)+, Xe(51-54)+, W(5-6)+, W(27-28)+, W(37-38)+, W(45-46)+, W(55-56)+, W(63-64)+, W(70-74)+, hν, Mo(5-6)+, Mo(13-14)+, Mo(23-24)+, Mo(31-32)+, Mo(39-42)+, Si(3-4)+, Si(11-14)+, Cu(10-11)+, Cu(18-19)+, Cu(26-29)+, Kr(7-8)+, Kr(17-18)+, Kr(25-26)+, Kr(33-36)+ rate coefficient, cross section theory ERR, PIN
B11: M. B. Trzhaskovskaya, V. K. Nikulin, R. E. H. Clark, "Radiative recombination and photoionization of heavy element impurities in plasmas", IAEA- Atomic and Plasma–Material Interaction Data for Fusion, Vienna 17, 105 (2017). []
144 e-, Be cross section theory EEL, EEX, EIN
B13: D. Kondratyev, L. Vainshtein, I. Bray, D. Fursa, Y. Ralchenko, "Atomic data and collisional-radiative model for beryllium and its ions ", Physica Scripta T161, 014007 (2014). [10.1088/0031-8949/2014/t161/014007]
1 e-, H2H+ cross section theory EDR
B14: K. Chakrabarti, D. R. Backodissa-Kiminou, N. Pop, J. Zs. Mezei, O. Motapon, F. Lique, O. Dulieu, A. Wolf, I. F. Schneider, "Dissociative recombination of electrons with diatomic molecular cations above dissociation threshold: Application to H2+ and HD+ ", Physical Review A 87, 022702 (2013). [10.1103/physreva.87.022702]
13 e-, H2H+ rate coefficient theory EDR
B15: F. O. Waffeu Tamo, H. Buhr, O. Motapon, S. Altevogt, V. M. Andrianarijaona, M. Grieser, L. Lammich, M. Lestinsky, M. Motsch, I. Nevo, S. Novotny, D. A. Orlov, H. B. Pedersen, D. Schwalm, F. Sprenger, X. Urbain, U. Weigel, A. Wolf, I. F. Schneider, "Assignment of resonances in dissociative recombination of HD+ ions: High-resolution measurements compared with accurate computations ", Physical Review A 84, 022710 (2011). [10.1103/physreva.84.022710]
79 e-, BeH+ rate coefficient theory EDR, EDX, EXV
B16: S. Niyonzima, F. Lique, K. Chakrabarti, Å. Larson, A. E. Orel, I. F. Schneider, "Multichannel-quantum-defect-theory treatment of reactive collisions between electrons and BeH+ ", Physical Review A 87, 022713 (2013). [10.1103/physreva.87.022713]
332 e-, H2H+, H2+, 2H2+, 3H2+, H3H+, 2H3H+ cross section theory EXE, EDS, EIN
B17: M. C. Zammit, D. V. Fursa, I. Bray, "Electron scattering from the molecular hydrogen ion and its isotopologues ", Physical Review A 90, 022711 (2014). [10.1103/physreva.90.022711]
49 H(0-1)+, Li, N5+, O6+ cross section theory HCX
B23: L. Liu, J. G. Wang and R. K. Janev, "CRP on Light element atom, molecule and radical behaviour in the divertor and edge plasma regions", IAEA, Vienna 636 (2013). []
25 H, He, N5+ cross section theory HCX
B24: L. Liu, Y. Q. Zhao, J. G. Wang, R. K. Janev, H. Tanuma, "Polarization degree differences for the 3p2P3/2-3s2S1/2 transition of N4+(3p2P3/2) produced in N5+-He and N5+-H2 collisions ", Physical Review A 81, 014702 (2010). [10.1103/physreva.81.014702]
12 O(6-8)+, H, C(4-6)+, Ne(8-10)+, N(5-7)+ cross section experiment HCX
B40: M. N Panov, A. A Basalaev, K. O Lozhkin, "Interaction of Fully Stripped, Hydrogenlike and Heliumlike C, N, O, Ne and Ar Ions with H and He Atoms and H2 Molecules ", Physica Scripta T3, 124-130 (1983). [10.1088/0031-8949/1983/t3/025]
3 O6+, H, C4+, N5+ cross section experiment HCX
B48: D. Dijkkamp, D. Ciric, E. Vileg, A. de Boer, F. J de Heer, "Subshell-selective electron capture in collisions of C4+, N5+, O6+ with H, H2 and He ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 18, 4763-4793 (1985). [10.1088/0022-3700/18/24/017]
3 H, N(3-5)+ cross section experiment HCX
B62: M. S. Huq, C. C. Havener, R. A. Phaneuf, "Low-energy electron capture by N3+, N4+, and N5+ from hydrogen atoms using merged beams ", Physical Review A 40, 1811-1816 (1989). [10.1103/physreva.40.1811]
9 O(2-6)+, H, C(3-6)+ cross section experiment HCX
B33: R. A. Phaneuf, I. Alvarez, F. W. Meyer, D. H. Crandall, "Electron capture in low-energy collisions of Cq + and Oq + with H and H2 ", Physical Review A 26, 1892-1906 (1982). [10.1103/physreva.26.1892]
25 H, Be(2-3)+, B(3-4)+ cross section theory HCX
B26: L. Liu, D. Jakimovski, J. Wang, R. Janev, "Cross sections for electron capture in collisions of Beq+ (q = 2, 3) and Bq+ (q = 3, 4) with atomic hydrogen", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 43, 144005 (2010). []
26 H, Be(2-3)+, B(3-4)+ cross section theory HCX
B30: Y. Wu, L. Liu, C. H Liu, Y. Z Qu, J. G Wang, R. K Janev, "Charge transfer in collisions of Beq+ (q=2-4) and Bq+ (q=3-5) ions with H ", Journal of Physics: Conference Series 576, 012012 (2015). [10.1088/1742-6596/576/1/012012]
7 H, Be2+, B3+ cross section theory HCX
B29: C. H. Liu, L. Liu, Y. Z. Qu, J. G. Wang, R. K. Janev, "Radiative and nonradiative charge transfer in collisions of Be2+ and B3+ ions with H atoms ", Physical Review A 82, 022710 (2010). [10.1103/physreva.82.022710]
1 Ar6+, H2 cross section experiment HCX
B31: T. M El-Sherbini, A. Salop, E. Bloemen, F. J de Heer, "Excitation and ionisation resulting from electron capture in Ar6++H2 collisions at ion projectile energies of 200-1200 keV ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 13, 1433-1449 (1980). [10.1088/0022-3700/13/7/019]
4 C(3-6)+, H cross section experiment HCX
B32: R. A. Phaneuf, "Electron capture in very slow Cq++H collisions ", Physical Review A 24, 1138-1141 (1981). [10.1103/physreva.24.1138]
1 H, C3+ cross section experiment HCX
B104: M. M Sant'Anna, W. S Melo, A. C F Santos, M. B Shah, G. M Sigaud, E. C Montenegro, "Absolute measurements of electron capture cross sections of C3+ from atomic and molecular hydrogen ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 33, 353-364 (2000). [10.1088/0953-4075/33/3/305]
1 H, C4+ cross section experiment HCX
B65: R. Hoekstra, J. P. M. Beijers, A. R. Schlatmann, R. Morgenstern, F. J. De Heer, "State-selective charge transfer in slow collisions of C4+ with H and H2 ", Physical Review A 41, 4800-4808 (1990). [10.1103/physreva.41.4800]
2 H, C4+, 2H cross section experiment HCX
B99: F. W. Bliek, R. Hoekstra, M. E. Bannister, C. C. Havener, "Low-energy electron capture by C4+ ions from atomic hydrogen ", Physical Review A 56, 426-431 (1997). [10.1103/physreva.56.426]
2 O5+, H, C5+ cross section experiment HCX
B41: R. A Phaneuf, D. H Crandall, "Low-Energy Inelastic Collisions of Multiply Charged Ions with Electrons and Hydrogen Atoms ", Physica Scripta T3, 131-134 (1983). [10.1088/0031-8949/1983/t3/026]
8 C6+, H, F8+, N(6-7)+, Ne(9-10)+, O(7-8)+ cross section experiment HCX
B49: F. W. Meyer, A. M. Howald, C. C. Havener, R. A. Phaneuf, "Low-energy total-electron-capture cross sections for fully stripped and H-like projectiles incident on H and H2 ", Physical Review A 32, 3310-3318 (1985). [10.1103/physreva.32.3310]
3 Li, 4He(1-2)+ cross section experiment HCX
B34: R. W Mccullough, T. V Goffe, M. B Shah, M. Lennon, H. B Gilbody, "Electron capture by He2+ and He+ ions in lithium vapour ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 15, 111-117 (1982). [10.1088/0022-3700/15/1/019]
3 H+, Li, 4He(1-2)+ cross section experiment HCX
B46: S. L. Varghese, W. Waggoner, C. L. Cocke, "Electron capture from lithium by protons and helium ions ", Physical Review A 29, 2453-2456 (1984). [10.1103/physreva.29.2453]
8 H+, Li, H2+, 4He+, 20Ne+ cross section experiment HCX
B52: F. Aumayr, H. Winter, "Total single-electron-capture cross sections for impact of H+, H2 +, He+, and Ne+ (2-20 keV) on Li ", Physical Review A 31, 67-71 (1985). [10.1103/physreva.31.67]
1 Li, He2+ cross section experiment HCX
B35: K. Kadota, D. Dijkkamp, R. L van der Woude, A. de Boer, P. Guang Yan, F. J de Heer, "One-electron capture into excited states for He2+-Li collisions in the energy range of 15-150 keV ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 15, 3275-3296 (1982). [10.1088/0022-3700/15/18/022]
1 Li, He2+ cross section experiment HCX
B36: K. Kadota, D. Dijkkamp, R. Van Der Woude, P. Guang Yan, F. De Heer, "Absolute cross sections for one electron capture into excited projectile states in collisions between He 2+ (15-150 keV) and Li atoms ", Physics Letters A 88, 135-139 (1982). [10.1016/0375-9601(82)90282-1]
1 Li, He2+ cross section experiment HCX
B44: P. Guang Yan, R. van der Woude, D. Dijkkamp, F. J de Heer, "Electron Capture Into Excited States in Collisions Between Multiply Charged Ions and Atoms ", Physica Scripta T3, 120-123 (1983). [10.1088/0031-8949/1983/t3/024]
295 H(-1-1)+, H2(0-1)+, He(-1-2)+, Li(-1-0)+, 2H2(0-1)+, H2H+ cross section semi-empirical HCX, HMN, HIN, HAC, HDT, HMI, HPN, HIR, HDI, HST, HEX, HDE, HXE, HDC, HTI, HDS
B128: C. F. Barnett, "Collisions of H, H2, He and Li Atoms and Ions with Atoms and Molecules", Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report ORNL-6086, Atomic Data for Fusion 1 (1990). []
2 4He2+, 6Li cross section experiment HCX
B37: G. A. Murray, J. Stone, M. Mayo, T. J. Morgan, "Single and double electron transfer in He2+ + Li collisions ", Physical Review A 25, 1805-1807 (1982). [10.1103/physreva.25.1805]
1 O5+, H cross section experiment HCX
B63: C. C. Havener, M. S. Huq, H. F. Krause, P. A. Schulz, R. A. Phaneuf, "Merged-beams measurements of electron-capture cross sections for O5++H at electron-volt energies ", Physical Review A 39, 1725-1740 (1989). [10.1103/physreva.39.1725]
5 Ar(2-4)+, Ar6+, Ar8+, He cross section experiment HCX
B38: C. L Cocke, T. J Gray, E. Justiniano, C. Can, B. Waggoner, S. L Varghese, R. Mann, "Electron Capture Collisions Involving Low-Energy Highly-Stripped Projectiles ", Physica Scripta T3, 75-78 (1983). [10.1088/0031-8949/1983/t3/017]
6 He, Ne10+, C6+, O8+, 2H2 cross section experiment HCX
B42: S. Bliman, M. Bonnefoy, J. J Bonnet, S. Dousson, A. Fleury, D. Hitz, B. Jacquot, "Charge Exchange Collision Experiments With Highly Charged Ions -Status Report- ", Physica Scripta T3, 63-67 (1983). [10.1088/0031-8949/1983/t3/014]
169 P15+, S16+, Cl17+, Ar18+, K19+, Ca20+, H+, He, He2+, Ne10+, Si14+, C6+, O8+, Li3+, Be4+, B5+, N7+, F9+, Na11+, Mg12+, Al13+ cross section theory HCX
B160: L. Gulyas, P. D. Fainstein, "Cross sections for electron capture from atomic helium by fully stripped ions", IAEA- Atomic and Plasma–Material Interaction Data for Fusion, Vienna 10, 103 (2002). []
23 Fe(3-14)+, H, H2 cross section experiment HCX
B43: R. A. Phaneuf, "Electron capture by slow Feq+ ions from hydrogen atoms and molecules ", Physical Review A 28, 1310-1314 (1983). [10.1103/physreva.28.1310]
9 O(7-8)+, He, N7+ cross section experiment HCX, HIN
B80: W. Wu, J. P. Giese, Z. Chen, R. Ali, C. L. Cocke, P. Richard, M. Stöckli, "Evidence for population of highly asymmetric states in double-electron capture by O7,8+ and N7+ colliding with He at low to intermediate velocities ", Physical Review A 50, 502-510 (1994). [10.1103/physreva.50.502]
14 Ar(2-9)+, Li, Ne(2-6)+ cross section experiment HCX
B45: W. Waggoner, C. L. Cocke, S. L. Varghese, M. Stockli, "Experimental cross sections for electron capture from lithium by slow, highly charged, rare-gas projectiles ", Physical Review A 29, 2457-2462 (1984). [10.1103/physreva.29.2457]
5 Ar2+, Kr2+, Xe2+, Li, Ne2+, N2+ cross section experiment HCX
B55: F. Aumayr, G. Lakits, H. Winter, "Electron capture from Li(2s) by doubly charged ions (5-40 keV) ", Physical Review A 33, 846-850 (1986). [10.1103/physreva.33.846]
30 Ar(2-10)+, H, Ne(2-7)+ cross section experiment HCX
B47: C. Can, T. J. Gray, S. L. Varghese, J. M. Hall, L. N. Tunnell, "Electron-capture cross sections for low-energy highly charged neon and argon ions from molecular and atomic hydrogen ", Physical Review A 31, 72-83 (1985). [10.1103/physreva.31.72]
1 H+, He+ cross section experiment HCX
B50: K. Rinn, F. Melchert, E. Salzborn, "Measurements of charge transfer in H+-He+ collisions ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 18, 3783-3795 (1985). [10.1088/0022-3700/18/18/019]
1 H+, He+ cross section experiment HCX
B57: M. F Watts, K. F Dunn, H. B Gilbody, "Redetermination of cross sections for charge transfer and ionisation in H+-He+ collisions ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 19, L355-L359 (1986). [10.1088/0022-3700/19/10/005]
1 H+, Li cross section experiment HCX
B51: F. Aumayr, G. Lakits, W. Husinsky, H. Winter, "Inelastic H+-Li(2s) collisions (2-20 keV). III. Electron capture into the H(2s) subshell ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 18, 2493-2501 (1985). [10.1088/0022-3700/18/12/024]
23 He, I10+, I(13-15)+, I17+, I(19-20)+, I(22-23)+, I(25-26)+, I(28-31)+, I(33-38)+, I(40-41)+ cross section experiment HCX
B53: H. Tawara, T. Iwai, Y. Kaneko, M. Kimura, N. Kobayashi, A. Matsumoto, S. Ohtani, K. Okuno, S. Takagi, S. Tsurubuchi, "Electron capture processes of Iq+ ions with very high charge states (41≥q≥10) in collisions with He atoms ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 18, 337-350 (1985). [10.1088/0022-3700/18/2/020]
1 H, N2+ cross section experiment HCX
B54: F. G Wilkie, F. B Yousif, R. W Mccullough, J. Geddes, H. B Giolbody, "Total and state-selective capture by slow N2+ ions in atomic and molecular hydrogen ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 18, 479-489 (1985). [10.1088/0022-3700/18/3/022]
2 H, 2H, N2+ cross section experiment HCX
B102: M. Pieksma, M. E. Bannister, W. Wu, C. C. Havener, "Low-energy electron capture by N2+ ions from atomic hydrogen using merged beams ", Physical Review A 55, 3526-3531 (1997). [10.1103/physreva.55.3526]
2 H, 2H, N2+ cross section experiment HCX
B145: C. Havener, E. Galutschek, R. Rejoub, D. Seely, "Ion atom merged-beams measurements ", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 261, 129-132 (2007). [10.1016/j.nimb.2007.04.103]
2 H, 2H, Ne4+ cross section experiment HCX
B137: C. C. Havener, R. Rejoub, C. R. Vane, H. F. Krause, D. W. Savin, M. Schnell, J. G. Wang, P. C. Stancil, "Electron capture by Ne4+ ions from atomic hydrogen ", Physical Review A 71, 034702 (2005). [10.1103/physreva.71.034702]
4 H+, Al+, Ga+, In+, Tl+ cross section experiment HCX
B56: M. F Watts, C. J Hopkins, G. C Angel, K. F Dunn, H. B Gilbody, "Charge transfer and ionisation in collisions of protons with Al+, Ga+ and Tl+ ions ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 19, 3739-3747 (1986). [10.1088/0022-3700/19/22/017]
2 He, O8+, B5+ cross section experiment HCX
B58: R. Hippler, S. Datz, P. D. Miller, P. L. Pepmiller, P. F. Dittner, "Double- and single-electron capture and loss in collisions of 1-2-MeV/u boron, oxygen, and silicon projectiles with helium atoms ", Physical Review A 35, 585-590 (1987). [10.1103/physreva.35.585]
2 C+, H+, N+ cross section experiment HCX
B59: C. J Hopkins, M. F Watts, K. F Dunn, H. B Gilbody, "Measurement of cross sections for charge transfer in H+-C+ and H+-N+ collisions ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 20, 3867-3872 (1987). [10.1088/0022-3700/20/15/030]
1 H-, H+ cross section experiment HCX
B60: W. Schon, S. Krudener, F. Melchert, K. Rinn, M. Wagner, E. Salzborn, "Mutual neutralisation in H+-H- collisions ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 20, L759-L764 (1987). [10.1088/0022-3700/20/22/006]
1 He+ cross section experiment HCX
B61: F. Melchert, K. Rink, K. Rinn, E. Salzborn, N. Grun, "Charge transfer in He+-He+ collisions ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 20, L223-L230 (1987). [10.1088/0022-3700/20/7/006]
1 He+ cross section experiment HCX
B79: J. G Murphy, K. F Dunn, H. B Gilbody, "He2+ formation in collisions between fast He+ ions ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 27, 3687-3694 (1994). [10.1088/0953-4075/27/16/015]
1 H, Al2+ cross section experiment HCX
B64: M. Gargaud, R. Mccarroll, M. A Lennon, S. M Wilson, R. W Mccullough, H. B Gilbody, "One-electron capture by slow Al2+ ions in atomic and molecular hydrogen ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 23, 505-511 (1990). [10.1088/0953-4075/23/3/019]
2 K, He2+, Na cross section experiment HCX
B66: J. Schweinzer, H. Winter, "Single electron capture from alkali atoms by slow doubly charged ions. I. He2+ (0.5-6 keV)-Li, Na, K-one-electron processes ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 23, 3881-3898 (1990). [10.1088/0953-4075/23/21/021]
2 Zn, Mg, Mg2+ cross section experiment HCX
B67: B. Jensen, E. H Pedersen, "Electron capture by Mg+ and Mg2+ in slow collisions with Mg or Zn ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 23, 1501-1518 (1990). [10.1088/0953-4075/23/9/020]
2 Sr+, Ba+, H+ cross section experiment HCX
B68: C. J Hopkins, K. F Dunn, H. B Gilbody, "Ionization and charge transfer in collisions of protons with Ba+ and Sr+ ions ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 24, 2379-2385 (1991). [10.1088/0953-4075/24/9/017]
1 He2+, H- cross section experiment HCX, HIN
B69: C. H Cherkani, S. Szucs, H. Hus, F. Brouillard, "Transfer ionization in He2+-H- collisions: measurement of the exothermicity and theoretical interpretation ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 24, 2367-2377 (1991). [10.1088/0953-4075/24/9/016]
2 H- cross section experiment HST, HIN
B70: R. Schulze, F. Melchert, M. Hagmann, S. Krüdener, J. Krüger, E. Salzborn, C. O Reinhold, R. E Olson, "Mutual ionization in H--H- collisions ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 24, L7-L12 (1991). [10.1088/0953-4075/24/1/002]
1 H2, O+ cross section experiment HCX
B71: A. D Irvine, C. J Latimer, "Charge transfer reactions of ground state O+ ions with H2 molecules ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 24, L145-L147 (1991). [10.1088/0953-4075/24/5/007]
94 Ta(4-21)+, H, Au(3-24)+, Dy(4-20)+, Re(6-20)+, U(4-25)+ cross section experiment HCX
B72: P. Hvelplund, S. K Bjørnelund, H. Knudsen, H. Tawara, "Electron capture in collisions between medium velocity multiply charged ions and H and H2 ", Physica Scripta 45, 231-237 (1992). [10.1088/0031-8949/45/3/005]
1 H-, H+ cross section experiment HMN
B73: B. Peart, D. A Hayton, "Merged beam measurements of mutual neutralization of H+ and H- ions ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 25, 5109-5119 (1992). [10.1088/0953-4075/25/23/014]
13 H+, He2+, Mg cross section experiment HCX, HIN, HMI
B74: M. B Shah, P. Mccallion, Y. Itoh, H. B Gilbody, "Electron capture and ionization in collisions of fast H+ and He2+ ions with magnesium atoms ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 25, 3693-3708 (1992). [10.1088/0953-4075/25/17/020]
4 He(0-1)+, H2 cross section experiment HIN, HST
B75: E. C. Montenegro, W. S. Melo, W. E. Meyerhof, A. G. De Pinho, "Separation of the screening and antiscreening effects in the electron loss of He+ on H2 and He ", Physical Review Letters 69, 3033-3036 (1992). [10.1103/physrevlett.69.3033]
1 He(0-1)+ cross section experiment HCX
B76: S. Ouaskit, B. Farizon-Mazuy, M. Farizon, M. J. Gaillard, E. Gerlic, M. Stern, A. Clouvas, A. Katsanos, "Fast negative helium ions produced by double electron capture in single He+-He collisions ", Physical Review A 48, 1204-1208 (1993). [10.1103/physreva.48.1204]
6 He(0-1)+ cross section experiment HEX
B77: R. Okasaka, K. Kawabe, S. Kawamoto, M. Tani, H. Kuma, T. Iwai, K. Mita, A. Iwamae, "Excitation functions of He(n=3) levels in the intermediate-velocity regime of He+-He collisions ", Physical Review A 49, 246-254 (1994). [10.1103/physreva.49.246]
2 Li+, He+, H-, 2H- cross section experiment HCX
B78: B. Peart, D. A Hayton, "Merged beam measurements of the mutual neutralization of He+/H- and Li+/D- ions ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 27, 2551-2556 (1994). [10.1088/0953-4075/27/12/013]
6 S16+, Fe, Ni, Si14+ cross section experiment HCX
B81: L. C. Tribedi, K. G. Prasad, P. N. Tandon, Z. Chen, C. D. Lin, "Single and double K-shell ionization and electron-transfer cross sections for Fe and Ni bombarded by S ions and Fe by Si ions at 1.25-4.70 MeV/amu ", Physical Review A 49, 1015-1020 (1994). [10.1103/physreva.49.1015]
19 Ar8+, Li cross section experiment HCX
B82: E. Jacquet, J. Pascale, P. Boduch, M. Chantepie, D. Lecler, "Velocity and core-electron effects in state-selective electron capture following Ar8+-Li collisions ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 28, 2221-2231 (1995). [10.1088/0953-4075/28/11/019]
2 C(1-2)+, B(1-2)+ cross section experiment HCX
B83: C. Brandau, F. Melchert, S. Krudener, S. Meuser, A. Pfeiffer, K. V Diemar, T. Bartsch, E. Salzborn, D. B Uskov, A. D Ulantsev, L. P Presnyakov, "Quasi-resonant charge exchange between carbon and boron ions ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 28, L579-L584 (1995). [10.1088/0953-4075/28/18/002]
2 He+, Na+, O- cross section experiment HCX
B84: D. A Hayton, B. Peart, "Merged beam measurements of the mutual neutralization of He+/O- and Na+/O- ions ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 28, L279-L283 (1995). [10.1088/0953-4075/28/8/003]
1 2H, He2+ cross section experiment HCX
B85: D. Bordenave-Montesquieu, R. Dagnac, "Differential cross sections for single-electron capture in He2+-D collisions ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 28, 2181-2192 (1995). [10.1088/0953-4075/28/11/016]
3 H2, He2+ cross section experiment HCX
B86: J. M Hodgkinson, T. K Mclaughlin, R. W Mccullough, J. Geddes, H. B Gilbody, "Importance of dissociative excitation by slow He2+ ions in one-electron capture collisions with H2 ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 28, L393-L397 (1995). [10.1088/0953-4075/28/12/001]
1 4He+, 3He2+ cross section experiment HCX
B87: F. Melchert, S. Krudener, R. Schulze, S. Petri, S. Pfaff, E. Salzborn, "Measurements of resonant charge transfer in He2+-He+ collisions ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 28, L355-L359 (1995). [10.1088/0953-4075/28/10/005]
1 H- cross section experiment HST
B88: F. Melchert, R. Schulze, S. Krudener, S. Meuser, E. Salzborn, D. B Uskov, A. D Ulantsev, L. P Presnyakov, "Single- and double-electron detachment in collisions of two negative hydrogen ions ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 28, 3299-3308 (1995). [10.1088/0953-4075/28/15/019]
1 Xe, O+ cross section experiment HCX
B89: M. J. Bastian, R. A. Dressler, E. Murad, "Guided-ion beam measurements of the O + (4S)+Xe charge-transfer reaction ", The Journal of Chemical Physics 103, 144-149 (1995). [10.1063/1.469652]
1 2H, B4+ cross section experiment HCX
B90: M. Pieksma, C. C. Havener, "Low-energy electron capture by B4+ ions from hydrogen atoms ", Physical Review A 57, 1892-1894 (1998). [10.1103/physreva.57.1892]
8 N4+, H2, H cross section experiment HCX
B91: F. W. Bliek, G. R. Woestenenk, R. Hoekstra, R. Morgenstern, "State-selective electron-capture measurements for N4+-H and N4+-H2 collisions ", Physical Review A 57, 221-226 (1998). [10.1103/physreva.57.221]
2 Na(0-1)+ cross section experiment HCX
B92: J. W Thomsen, N. Andersen, E. E B Campbell, I. V Hertel, S. E Nielsen, "Effects of excitation and orbital alignment on electron transfer in ?-Na collisions ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 31, 3429-3437 (1998). [10.1088/0953-4075/31/15/014]
3 S15+, Au cross section experiment HCX
B93: B. B Dhal, A. K Saha, L. C Tribedi, K. G Prasad, P. N Tandon, "LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Subshell-resolved L - K electron transfer and ionization cross sections for Au by bare and H-like sulphur ions ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 31, L807-L816 (1998). [10.1088/0953-4075/31/19/008]
1 H(0-1)+ cross section experiment HEX
B94: D. P Higgins, J. Geddes, H. B Gilbody, "Formation of H(2s) atoms by excitation in 10 - 100 keV ? collisions ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 29, 1219-1224 (1996). [10.1088/0953-4075/29/6/018]
3 He2+, O cross section experiment HCX, HIN
B95: W. R Thompson, M. B Shah, H. B Gilbody, "Electron capture in collisions of 5 - 67 keV ? ions with oxygen atoms ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 29, 2847-2853 (1996). [10.1088/0953-4075/29/13/018]
2 H+, O cross section experiment HCX, HIN
B96: W. R Thompson, M. B Shah, H. B Gilbody, "One-electron capture in collisions of 6 - 100 keV protons with oxygen atoms ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 29, 725-732 (1996). [10.1088/0953-4075/29/4/014]
2 Ca(0-1)+, Gd(0-1)+ cross section experiment HCX
B97: M. Hashida, S. Sakabe, Y. Izawa, "Cross sections of symmetric charge transfer between Gd* and Gd+ in the energy range 30-1000 eV ", Physical Review A 53, 1487-1491 (1996). [10.1103/physreva.53.1487]
1 He2+, 13C3+ cross section experiment HCX
B98: F. Melchert, S. Meuser, S. Krüdener, A. Pfeiffer, K. v Diemar, E. Salzborn, E. Sidky, C. D Lin, "LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Charge transfer in ? collisions ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 30, L697-L702 (1997). [10.1088/0953-4075/30/20/004]
16 H+, Ga, He2+ cross section experiment HCX
B100: K. O Lozhkin, C. J Patton, P. Mccartney, M. Sant'Anna, M. B Shah, J. Geddes, H. B Gilbody, "Electron capture and multiple ionization in collisions of fast ? and ? ions with gallium atoms ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 30, 1785-1798 (1997). [10.1088/0953-4075/30/7/014]
1 H2+, 2H- cross section experiment HCX
B101: B. Peart, R. Padgett, D. A Hayton, "Merged-beam measurements of the mutual neutralization of ? ions ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 30, 4955-4961 (1997). [10.1088/0953-4075/30/21/028]
278 Xe, Xe(14-15)+, Xe(19-20)+, Xe(24-43)+, Ar, He, e- cross section experiment HCX
B103: N. Selberg, C. Biedermann, H. Cederquist, "Absolute charge-exchange cross sections for the interaction between slow Xeq+ (15<=q<=43) projectiles and neutral He, Ar, and Xe ", Physical Review A 56, 4623-4632 (1997). [10.1103/physreva.56.4623]
10 O6+, C4+, H2, N5+ cross section experiment HCX
B105: G. Lubinski, Z. Juhász, R. Morgenstern, R. Hoekstra, "State-selective electron-capture cross section measurements for low-energy collisions of He-like ions on H2 ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 33, 5275-5296 (2000). [10.1088/0953-4075/33/23/302]
4 H+, C2H2, C2H6, C2H8, CH4 cross section experiment HCX
B106: T. Kusakabe, K. Asahina, A. Iida, Y. Tanaka, Y. Li, G. Hirsch, R. J. Buenker, M. Kimura, H. Tawara, Y. Nakai, "Charge-transfer processes in collisions of slow H+ ions with hydrocarbon molecules: CH4, C2H2, C2H6, and C3H8 ", Physical Review A 62, 062715 (2000). [10.1103/physreva.62.062715]
4 H+, CO2, CO, 2H2, H2 cross section experiment HCX
B107: T. Kusakabe, K. Asahina, J. P. Gu, G. Hirsch, R. J. Buenker, M. Kimura, H. Tawara, Y. Nakai, "Charge-transfer processes in collisions of H+ ions with H2, D2, CO, and CO2 molecules in the energy range 0.2-4.0 keV ", Physical Review A 62, 062714 (2000). [10.1103/physreva.62.062714]
1 Cs, Na9+ cross section experiment HCX
B108: C. Bréchignac, P. Cahuzac, B. Concina, J. Leygnier, I. Tignères, "Charge transfer between alkali cluster ions and atoms in the 1 to 10 keV collisional energy range ", The European Physical Journal D 12, 185-192 (2000). [10.1007/s100530070056]
2 Cs, Na31(1-2)+ cross section experiment HCX
B109: C. Bréchignac, P. Cahuzac, B. Concina, J. Leygnier, "Doubly charged clusters - neutral atom charge transfer: the role of the Coulombic repulsion ", The European Physical Journal D 16, 91-94 (2001). [10.1007/s100530170067]
2 H, N2+ cross section experiment HCX
B110: D. Voulot, D. R Gillen, D. M Kearns, R. W Mccullough, H. B Gilbody, "State-selective one-electron capture by slow state-prepared N2+(2P) ground-state ions in collisions with hydrogen atoms ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 34, 1039-1047 (2001). [10.1088/0953-4075/34/6/305]
5 He2+, CO cross section experiment HCX
B111: D. M Kearns, D. R Gillen, D. Voulot, J. B Greenwood, R. W Mccullough, H. B Gilbody, "The role of dissociative electron capture in collisions of slow He2+ ions with CO ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 34, 3401-3406 (2001). [10.1088/0953-4075/34/17/304]
5 Ar4+, Kr4+, Xe4+ cross section experiment HCX, HIN
B112: A. Diehl, H. Bräuning, R. Trassl, D. Hathiramani, A. Theiß, H. Kern, E. Salzborn, I. Hofmann, "Charge transfer and ionization in collisions between multiply charged noble gas ions ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 34, 4073-4081 (2001). [10.1088/0953-4075/34/20/317]
3 Ar(1-2)+, Ne(1-2)+, He(1-2)+ cross section experiment HCX
B113: C. Y Chen, C. L Cocke, J. P Giese, F. Melchert, I. Reiser, M. Stöckli, E. Sidky, C. D Lin, "Studies of charge exchange in symmetric ion-ion collisions ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 34, 469-475 (2001). [10.1088/0953-4075/34/3/322]
2 Ar2+, H2+, He2+ cross section experiment HCX
B114: H. Bräuning, I. Reiser, A. Diehl, A. Theiß, E. Sidky, C. L Cocke, E. Salzborn, "LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Charge transfer in collisions of H2+ ions with He2+ and Ar2+ ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 34, L321-L325 (2001). [10.1088/0953-4075/34/10/102]
4 He+, Ne cross section experiment HIN
B115: J. Fiol, R. E Olson, A. C F Santos, G. M Sigaud, E. C Montenegro, "LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Simultaneous projectile and target ionization in He+ + Ne collisions ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 34, L503-L509 (2001). [10.1088/0953-4075/34/16/101]
3 C+, O-, O+, N+ cross section experiment HAC, HIN
B116: T. Nzeyimana, E. Naji, X. Urbain, A. Le Padellec, "Merged beam study of the associative ionisation (C+, N+ and O+)+O- ", The European Physical Journal D - Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 19, 315-325 (2002). [10.1140/epjd/e20020090]
3 C+, 2H-, 2H+, O-, O+ cross section experiment HAC, HIN
B117: E. A Naji, T. Nzeyimana, X. Urbain, A. Le Padellec, "Merged beam study of the associative ionization O- + D+/O+ + D- and C+ + D- ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 35, 4325-4334 (2002). [10.1088/0953-4075/35/21/301]
2 H, 2H cross section experiment HAC, HIN
B118: D. Nehari, F. Brouillard, J. Jureta, X. Urbain, "Associative ionization in the collision of H(1s) with H(3s) and D(1s) with D(3s) ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 35, 4733-4742 (2002). [10.1088/0953-4075/35/22/314]
2 He2+, O2 cross section experiment HCX, HDC
B119: E. Y. Kamber, O. Abu-Haija, S. M. Ferguson, "Competition between dissociative and nondissociative single-electron capture in He2+-O2 collisions ", Physical Review A 65, 062717 (2002). [10.1103/physreva.65.062717]
9 Fe(5-13)+, He cross section experiment HCX
B120: I. Cadez, J. B Greenwood, J. Lozano, R. J Mawhorter, M. Niimura, S. J Smith, A. Chutjian, "Absolute cross sections for single and double charge-exchange in Feq+ impacting on He ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 36, 3303-3314 (2003). [10.1088/0953-4075/36/15/311]
9 H+, He, H2+, H3+ cross section experiment HEX, HIN
B121: H. Merabet, R. Bruch, S. F Lling, K. Bartschat, A. L Godunov, "Ionization excitation of helium to He+(2p) magnetic sublevels following electron, proton, and molecular hydrogen (H2+ and H3+) impact ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 36, 3383-3395 (2003). [10.1088/0953-4075/36/16/302]
2 Ar3+, Kr3+ cross section experiment HCX
B122: H. Bräuning, A. Diehl, A. Theiß, R. Trassl, E. Salzborn, "Electron transfer and ionisation in homonuclear collisions of triply charged Ar and Kr ions ", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 205, 555-559 (2003). [10.1016/s0168-583x(02)02064-5]
1 2H, Ne2+ cross section experiment HCX
B123: T. Mroczkowski, D. W. Savin, R. Rejoub, P. S. Krstić, C. C. Havener, "Electron capture by Ne2+ ions from atomic hydrogen ", Physical Review A 68, 032721 (2003). [10.1103/physreva.68.032721]
1 C60(1-2)+ cross section experiment HCX
B124: H. Bräuning, R. Trassl, A. Diehl, A. Theiß, E. Salzborn, A. A. Narits, L. P. Presnyakov, "Resonant Electron Transfer in Collisions between Two Fullerene Ions ", Physical Review Letters 91, 168301 (2003). [10.1103/physrevlett.91.168301]
89 Ar, Xe, I10+, I15+, I20+ cross section experiment HCX
B125: H. A Sakaue, A. Danjo, K. Hosaka, D. Kato, M. Kimura, A. Matsumoto, N. Nakamura, S. Ohtani, M. Sakurai, H. Tawara, I. Yamada, M. Yoshino, "Electron transfer and decay processes of highly charged iodine ions ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 37, 403-415 (2003). [10.1088/0953-4075/37/2/008]
1 2H, Ne3+ cross section experiment HCX
B126: R. Rejoub, M. E. Bannister, C. C. Havener, D. W. Savin, C. J. Verzani, J. G. Wang, P. C. Stancil, "Electron capture by Ne3+ ions from atomic hydrogen ", Physical Review A 69, 052704 (2004). [10.1103/physreva.69.052704]
38 Ar, Kr, Xe, He, H2+, Ne cross section experiment HIN, HDI
B127: G. M. Sigaud, M. M. Sant’Anna, H. Luna, A. C. F. Santos, C. Mcgrath, M. B. Shah, E. G. Cavalcanti, E. C. Montenegro, "Multiple ionization of noble gases by swift H+2 ions in breakup and nonbreakup collisions ", Physical Review A 69, 062718 (2004). [10.1103/physreva.69.062718]
18 He, O-, B-, F- cross section experiment HIN, HMI, HST
B129: F. Zappa, A. L. F. De Barros, L. F. S. Coelho, G. Jalbert, S. D. Magalhães, N. V. De Castro Faria, "Ionization of helium by impact of negative B, O, and F ions ", Physical Review A 70, 034701 (2004). [10.1103/physreva.70.034701]
12 O(3-6)+, He, C(3-6)+, N(3-6)+ cross section experiment HCX
B130: K. Ishii, A. Itoh, K. Okuno, "Electron-capture cross sections of multiply charged slow ions of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen in He ", Physical Review A 70, 042716 (2004). [10.1103/physreva.70.042716]
1 H+, Na cross section experiment HCX
B131: S. Knoop, R. Morgenstern, R. Hoekstra, "Direct observation of pure one-electron capture from the target inner shell in low-energy p+Na collisions ", Physical Review A 70, 050702 (2004). [10.1103/physreva.70.050702]
2 H+, H2O cross section experiment HIN, HCX
B132: F. Gobet, S. Eden, B. Coupier, J. Tabet, B. Farizon, M. Farizon, M. J. Gaillard, M. Carré, S. Ouaskit, T. D. Märk, P. Scheier, "Ionization of water by (20-150)-keV protons: Separation of direct-ionization and electron-capture processes ", Physical Review A 70, 062716 (2004). [10.1103/physreva.70.062716]
3 H(0-1)+, H2O cross section experiment HCX, HIN, HST
B148: H. Luna, A. L. F. De Barros, J. A. Wyer, S. W. J. Scully, J. Lecointre, P. M. Y. Garcia, G. M. Sigaud, A. C. F. Santos, V. Senthil, M. B. Shah, C. J. Latimer, E. C. Montenegro, "Water-molecule dissociation by proton and hydrogen impact ", Physical Review A 75, 042711 (2007). [10.1103/physreva.75.042711]
4 He2+, Na cross section experiment HCX, HIN
B133: S. Knoop, R. E Olson, H. Ott, V. G Hasan, R. Morgenstern, R. Hoekstra, "Single ionization and electron capture in He2++Na collisions ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 38, 1987-1998 (2005). [10.1088/0953-4075/38/12/013]
2 He2+, Li(2-3)+ cross section experiment HCX
B134: H. Bräuning, R. Trassl, A. Theiß, A. Diehl, E. Salzborn, M. Keim, A. Achenbach, H. J Lüdde, T. Kirchner, "Charge transfer in Li2+ + He2+ and Li2+ + Li3+ collisions ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 38, 2311-2317 (2005). [10.1088/0953-4075/38/13/022]
4 He2+, H2O cross section experiment HCX, HIN
B135: B. Seredyuk, R. W. Mccullough, H. Tawara, H. B Gilbody, D. Bodewits, R. Hoekstra, A. G. G. M. Tielens, P. Sobocinski, D. Pesic, R. Hellhammer, B. Sulik, N. Stolterfoht, O. Abu-Haija, E. Y. Kamber, "Charge exchange and dissociative processes in collisions of slow He2+ ions with H2O molecules ", Physical Review A 71, 022705 (2005). [10.1103/physreva.71.022705]
2 He2+, CH4 cross section experiment HCX
B136: B. Seredyuk, R. W. Mccullough, H. B. Gilbody, "Collision mechanisms in one-electron capture by He2+ ions in collisions with hydrocarbons ", Physical Review A 71, 022713 (2005). [10.1103/physreva.71.022713]
1 H, He2+ cross section experiment HCX
B138: C. C. Havener, R. Rejoub, P. S. Krstić, A. C. H. Smith, "Charge transfer in low-energy collisions of He2+ with atomic hydrogen ", Physical Review A 71, 042707 (2005). [10.1103/physreva.71.042707]
28 Ar(4-6)+, H, Ne(3-4)+, H2, He2+ cross section experiment HCX
B164: M. N. Panov, V. V. Afrosimov, A. A. Basaleev, "Cross-sections for electron capture by multiply charged ions from hydrogen atoms and molecules and population of electronic states of created ions", IAEA- Atomic and Plasma–Material Interaction Data for Fusion, Vienna 10, 7 (2002). []
13 Ne, C3+ cross section experiment HIN, HMI, HCX, HST
B139: T. Kirchner, A. C. F. Santos, H. Luna, M. M. Sant’Anna, W. S. Melo, G. M. Sigaud, E. C. Montenegro, "Charge-state-correlated cross sections for electron loss, capture, and ionization in C3+ -Ne collisions ", Physical Review A 72, 012707 (2005). [10.1103/physreva.72.012707]
21 H+, CO cross section experiment HIN, HMI, HDI, HCX, HDC
B140: E. Wells, V. Krishnamurthi, K. D. Carnes, N. G. Johnson, H. D. Baxter, D. Moore, K. M. Bloom, B. M. Barnes, H. Tawara, I. Ben-Itzhak, "Proton-carbon monoxide collisions from 10 keV to 14 MeV ", Physical Review A 72, 022726 (2005). [10.1103/physreva.72.022726]
8 C-, H2, O-, N2 cross section experiment HIN, HST
B141: A. L. F. De Barros, S. Martínez, F. Zappa, S. Suárez, G. Bernardi, G. Jalbert, L. F. S. Coelho, N. V. De Castro Faria, "H2 and N2 ionization and dissociative ionization by C- and O- ions at intermediate velocities: Direct and electron loss channels ", Physical Review A 72, 032708 (2005). [10.1103/physreva.72.032708]
2 He+, N2 cross section experiment HIN, HST
B142: W. S Melo, A. C F Santos, M. M Sant'Anna, G. M Sigaud, E. C Montenegro, "Dissociative and non-dissociative ionization of the N2 molecule by the impact of 0.75 3.5 MeV He+ ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 39, 3519-3528 (2006). [10.1088/0953-4075/39/17/009]
4 He2+, Na cross section experiment HCX, HIN
B143: S. Knoop, V. G. Hasan, R. Morgenstern, R. Hoekstra, "Multielectron removal processes in He2++Na collisions ", Physical Review A 73, 062703 (2006). [10.1103/physreva.73.062703]
16 F-, Ar cross section experiment HIN, HST
B144: M. M. Sant’Anna, F. Zappa, A. C. F. Santos, L. F. S. Coelho, W. Wolff, A. L. F. De Barros, N. V. De Castro Faria, "Multiple ionization of Ar by F- impact: Projectile-electron-loss and direct-ionization collision channels ", Physical Review A 74, 022701 (2006). [10.1103/physreva.74.022701]
1 H2+, SF6 cross section experiment HDC
B146: B. Fuentes, A. Tejeda, H. Martínez, "Dissociative capture and collision-induced dissociation of H2+ in SF6 ", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 261, 197-199 (2007). [10.1016/j.nimb.2007.03.031]
1 H2, 3He2+ cross section experiment HCX, HIN
B147: S. Figueira Da Silva, H. Winter, F. Aumayr, "Single- and double-electron capture cross sections for slow He2+ impact on O2 , H2 , and D2 ", Physical Review A 75, 042706 (2007). [10.1103/physreva.75.042706]
105 H(0-1)+, He, 2H(0-1)+, 3H(0-1)+, H2, 2H2, 3H2 cross section theory HES, HMT, HHT, HCX
B173: P. S. Krstic, D. R. Schultz, "Elastic and related transport cross sections for collisions among isotopomers of H+ + H, H+ + H2, H+ + He, H + H, and H + H2", IAEA- Atomic and Plasma–Material Interaction Data for Fusion, Vienna 8 (1998). []
1 2H, Ne2+ cross section experiment HCX
B149: B. Seredyuk, H. Bruhns, D. W. Savin, D. Seely, H. Aliabadi, E. Galutschek, C. C. Havener, "Low-energy electron capture by Ne2+ ions from H(D) ", Physical Review A 75, 054701 (2007). [10.1103/physreva.75.054701]
5 He, He2+ cross section experiment HCX, HEX, HIN
B150: L. Ph. H. Schmidt, M. S. Schöffler, K. E. Stiebing, H. Schmidt-Böcking, R. Dörner, F. Afaneh, T. Weber, "Imaging of continuum states of the He22+ quasimolecule ", Physical Review A 76, 012703 (2007). [10.1103/physreva.76.012703]
4 F(8-9)+, He cross section experiment HCX, HIN
B151: R. Ünal, P. Richard, I. Ben-Itzhak, C. L. Cocke, M. J. Singh, H. Tawara, N. Woody, "Systematic study of charge-state and energy dependences of transfer-ionization to single-electron-capture ratios for Fq+ ions incident on He", Physical Review A 76, 012710 (2007). [10.1103/physreva.76.012710]
42 Li, He, Ne, C, O cross section experiment HIN, HMI, HCX, HST
B152: J. M. Sanders, R. D. Dubois, S. T. Manson, S. Datz, E. F. Deveney, H. F. Krause, J. L. Shinpaugh, C. R. Vane, "Ionization in fast atom-atom collisions: The influence and scaling behavior of electron-electron and electron-nucleus interactions ", Physical Review A 76, 062710 (2007). [10.1103/physreva.76.062710]
2 He+, O2 cross section experiment HIN, HST
B153: W. S Melo, A. C F Santos, M. M Sant'Anna, G. M Sigaud, E. C Montenegro, "Dissociative and non-dissociative ionization of the O2 molecule by He+ impact ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 41, 205201 (2008). [10.1088/0953-4075/41/20/205201]
30 H+, Li+, Li3+, C(2-4)+, C6+, H2, He2+, O8+, Be4+, B5+, N5+, N7+ cross section theory HCX, HXE, HIN
B158: D. Elizaga, L. F. Errea, J. D. Gorfinkiel, C. Illescas, A. Macias, L. Mendez, I. Rabadan, A. Riera, A. Rojas, P. Sanz, "Vibrationally resolved charge transfer and ionization cross sections for ion-H2 (D2, DT, T2) collisions", IAEA- Atomic and Plasma–Material Interaction Data for Fusion, Vienna 10, 71 (2002). []
2 He+, H2O cross section experiment HIN, HST, HCX
B154: P. M. Y. Garcia, G. M. Sigaud, H. Luna, A. C. F. Santos, E. C. Montenegro, M. B. Shah, "Water-molecule dissociation by impact of He+ ions ", Physical Review A 77, 052708 (2008). [10.1103/physreva.77.052708]
1 H, Si3+ cross section experiment HCX
B155: H. Bruhns, H. Kreckel, D. W. Savin, D. G. Seely, C. C. Havener, "Low-energy charge transfer for collisions of Si3+ with atomic hydrogen ", Physical Review A 77, 064702 (2008). [10.1103/physreva.77.064702]
3 C-, C+, O+, N+ cross section experiment HAC, HIN
B156: A. Le Padellec, J. Liévin, E. M. Staicu-Casagrande, T. Nzeyimana, E. A. Naji, X. Urbain, "Competitive processes in the associative ionization of C- with C+ , N+ , and O+ ", Physical Review A 78, 062705 (2008). [10.1103/physreva.78.062705]
2 H, N2+ cross section experiment HCX
B159: H. B. Gilbody, R. W. McCullough, "Measurements of state-selective electron capture by slow multiply charged ions in specified ground or metastable states", IAEA- Atomic and Plasma–Material Interaction Data for Fusion, Vienna 10, 37 (2002). []
12 O6+, C4+, He2+, N5+ cross section theory HCX, HEX
B161: V.K. Nikulin, N.A. Guschina, "Theoretical study of electron capture and excitation processes in collisions of alpha-particles with helium-like C4+, N5+, O6+ ions", IAEA- Atomic and Plasma–Material Interaction Data for Fusion, Vienna 10, 95 (2002). []
22 H, C6+ cross section theory HCX
B162: J. Caillat, A. Dubois, J. P. Hansen, "Recommended partial cross sections for electron capture in C6+ + H(1s) collisions", IAEA- Atomic and Plasma–Material Interaction Data for Fusion, Vienna 10, 1 (2002). []
1 He, Si3+ cross section theory HCX
B163: D. Rabli, R. McCarroll, M. Gargaud, "Extension of model potential methods to treat charge transfer in open shell systems. Application to the Si3+/He, He2+/He (21S) and He2+/He (23S) systems", IAEA- Atomic and Plasma–Material Interaction Data for Fusion, Vienna 10, 15 (2002). []
1,190 H(0-1)+, H2(0-1)+ cross section theory HCX, HXV
B166: P. S. Krstić, "Inelastic processes from vibrationally excited states in slow H++H2 and H+H+2 collisions: Excitations and charge transfer ", Physical Review A 66, 042717 (2002). [10.1103/physreva.66.042717]
1,295 H(0-1)+, H2(0-1)+ cross section theory HCX, HDC, HDS, HXV
B169: P. S. Krstic, "Vibrationally resolved collisions in cold hydrogen plasma", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 241, 58-62 (2005). []
102 H(0-1)+, H2(0-1)+ cross section theory HDC, HDS
B167: P. S. Krstić, R. K. Janev, "Inelastic processses from vibrationally excited states in slow H++H2 and H+H+2 collisions. II. Dissociation ", Physical Review A 67, 022708 (2003). [10.1103/physreva.67.022708]
101 H(0-1)+, H2(0-1)+ cross section theory HES, HMT, HHT
B168: P. S Krsti , D. R Schultz, "Elastic processes involving vibrationally excited molecules in cold hydrogen plasmas ", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 36, 385-398 (2003). [10.1088/0953-4075/36/2/318]
9 Ar, H+, 2H+, 3H+ cross section theory HES, HMT, HHT
B171: P. S. Krstić, D. R. Schultz, T. Chung, "Elastic and transport cross sections for argon in hydrogen plasmas ", Physics of Plasmas 10, 869-874 (2003). [10.1063/1.1541016]
9 H+, 2H+, 3H+, C cross section theory HES, HMT, HHT
B172: D. R. Schultz, P. S. Krstić, "Transport cross sections relevant to cool hydrogen plasmas bounded by graphite ", Physics of Plasmas 9, 64-70 (2002). [10.1063/1.1419056]
33 H, O2+, N2+ cross section theory HCX
B174: P. Barragán, L. F. Errea, L. Fernández, A. Macías, L. Méndez, I. Rabadán, A. Riera, "Electron capture cross sections in collisions of N2+ and O2+ with H", IAEA- Atomic and Plasma–Material Interaction Data for Fusion, Vienna 13, 81 (2006). []
53 H+, He cross section theory HEX, HCX, HIN
B176: K. Dimitriou, F. Aumayr, K. Katsonis, HP. Winter, M. I. Chibisov, R. K. Janev, X. Urbain, F. Brouillard, "Atomic data for H+ + He(1s2), He(NLM) collisions: Single ionisation, excitation and charge exchange cross sections", IAEA- Atomic and Plasma–Material Interaction Data for Fusion, Vienna 13, 88 (2006). []
121 O4+, Ti2+, Ti4+, Cr6+, Fe8+, Ni6+, C2+, He, He2+, Si2+, Si4+, Mo6+, W6+, Cu6+ cross section theory HCX, HEX
B177: V. K. Nikulin, N. A. Guschina, "Theoretical studies on charge exchange and electron excitation in collisions between alpha particles, helium atoms and multiply charged heavy element ions", IAEA- Atomic and Plasma–Material Interaction Data for Fusion, Vienna 17, 41 (2017). []